First and foremost, it’s important to understand that low waste doesn’t mean no waste; it means minimising the waste we produce, recovering waste, and putting it to good use. Our goal is to make it easy and enjoyable for you to embrace a low-waste lifestyle. We aim to encourage people to consider the life cycle of their products, from their origins to their eventual disposal.
When it comes to the product life cycle, here are the things we do and care about:

It all began with a forest fire on TV. Our co-founder, Rick, felt deeply sad while watching the news and pondered, “What have we done to this earth?” Instead of putting out the forest fire like a brave firefighter which is totally unachievable in a short period of time, he decided to start with small actions: bringing his own container for take-away food, reducing the purchase of packaged food and drinks, and recycling used items.

To his surprise, his small actions began to influence his family and friends. Hwee Wen, one of our co-founders, was among them. They started sourcing and curating everyday products that are eco-friendly and shared their passion for a low-waste lifestyle with more people. They believe in the saying, 'Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.' And so, OKOK Mart was born.
We want to be honest with you, it’s painful to admit that we are not a zero-waste store. Just like most people, we also generate waste. Despite our best efforts to practice sustainable living, there may still be times when we forget to bring our own containers and end up using single-use plastics. We are guilty for the little harm that we may cause to Mother Nature. But hey, no one is perfect, right?

So, we came up with “OKOK”. Not perfect, but not bad either. It's about embracing our imperfections as nature lovers and still finding ways to make our planet better every day. OKOK isn't just a catchphrase for our brand; it's a lifestyle for us, and hopefully, for you too. We would always pat ourselves on the back and say, "OK, you did a great job in creating less waste for the Earth."